Rost attacks Cook |
Since its first appearance, My Attainment of the Pole has been considered by
most to be beneath criticism, so there was little attempt to analyze it.
The first attempt was that of Representative Henry Helgesen of North Dakota,
who had published a number of speeches attacking Peary’s claim in the Congressional
Record. Actually, E.C. Rost, who had been working as Cook’s congressional
lobbyist, had authored all of Helgesen’s speeches, but he had fallen out
with the doctor because of long-overdue back wages. Rost got even on
September 4, 1916, when Helgesen announced that he would place in the Congressional
Record yet another extension of remarks on the North Pole question. But this
time the subject would not be Peary's credibility; it would be Cook's. Helgesen
related how he had written to Cook asking whether he still considered the
information contained in his book “the test of an explorer’s claims,” as
he had said in its preface. Cook replied in the affirmative, and
Rost took him up on it. In 28 pages of fine print, he closely analyzed Cook's
book and pointed out numerous minor errors, discrepancies of dates, internal
inconsistencies and contradictions.
He compared it to statements by Cook’s backer, John R.
Bradley, and those in the book published by his only white companion, Rudolph
Franke, and found many more. Most telling were his analyses of other explorers’
narratives showing how Cook might have used them as a basis to embroider
a fanciful story of his journey to the Pole and back. Rost pointed
out discrepancies in lunar phases, which apparently had been erroneously
taken from an almanac for 1908 rather than 1907. He scrutinized Cook's photographs
and disparaged the shadow data that Cook said convinced him he had reached
the Pole. He derided Cook's lack of any observations for magnetic variation
and the inadequacy of certain features of Cook's claimed ones for longitude
and latitude. He theorized a rationale for all of Cook's “discoveries” along
the way to the Pole, and he questioned Cook's veracity throughout, up to
and including his accounts of the events at Annoatok upon his return, using
the account in a book written by Harry Whitney, who had witnessed Cook’s
return, as a comparison.
Considering that Cook had had plenty of time, three serial
accounts and three editions of his book to correct any unintentional errors,
Rost had Helgesen sum up the evidence he gave: “After a careful, analytical
reading of Cook's book, remembering that the material contained in this book
has been revised by Cook six times . . . is it possible for anyone who gives
this matter any thought or study at all to believe that Dr. Cook ever attained
or remotely approached the North Pole?”