A far better candidate for an ice island is the Glacial Island that
said he crossed between the 87th and 88th parallels. His description of
fits almost exactly the ice islands now known to drift within two
of the Pole exactly where Cook says he crossed it.
But his photograph of it, like that of Bradley Land, has proven
Wally Herbert found a differently
cropped lanternslide
of this picture among Cook's photographic material donated to the
of Congress. It shows substantial, rocky land on the
right-hand margin, an
impossibility at the reported position of the Glacial Island.

But how could Cook have dreamed up an
ice island before
any had been discovered? There were precedents. Norwegian explorer
Nansen had mentioned in his book, Farthest North,
that he passed over undulating
country covered with snow far at sea. In Nearest the Pole,
Peary described
crossing "several large level old floes, which my Eskimos at once
looked as if they did not move even in summer," and several berg-like
of ice discolored with sand were noted.
Many of the features and incidents
described along Cook's
route from his jumping off place to his Glacial Island will sound
to anyone who has studied the previous writings of Cook and Peary. The
of the sun at low altitudes and the descriptions of ice flowers forming
new ice can be found in Through the First Antarctic Night.
The sudden storm
on the pack ice has a close parallel in a hurricane at Annoatok
in Cook's winter diary of 1907-08. The collapse of the igloo on the
pack is very similar to the collapse of an igloo in 1892, as described
Peary’s Northward Over the "Great Ice",
and Cook's crossing of the Big Lead
shares much with Peary's description of that same accomplishment in Nearest
the Pole. |