![]() Many unpublished writings can be found among Cook’s papers. Here is a bibliography of all of his known publications. It does not include literal reprints of those books in England that do not have additional material written by him, but does list foreign language versions which may contain different or additional material.
1893 "The Most Northern Tribe on Earth," New York Medical Examiner, v. 3 #2: 23-24. 1894 "The Antarctic's Challenge to the Explorer," The Forum, v. 17 (June), pp. 505-512. "The Arctic Regions as a Summer Resort," Home and Country, October, pp. 257-264. "Gynaecology and Obstetrics Among the Eskimos," Brooklyn Medical Journal, v. 8: 154-169. "How Polar Expeditions are Equipped," Harper's Young People, (June 19), pp. 565-568. "Life in the Arctic Zone," booklet published by the Arlington Chemical Co. of Yonkers, NY. "Medical Observations Among the Eskimos," New York Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, v. 4: 282-286. "Peculiar Customs Regarding Disease, Death, and Grief of the Most Northern Eskimo," To-Day, June, pp. 225-229. Plans for Dr. Cook's Antarctic Expedition and Story of the Eskimos and Dogs. Undated Pamphlet. "A Proposed Antarctic Expedition," Around the World, v. 1: 55-58. 1895 "The South Pole and its Problems," Boston Commonwealth, March 16, 1895, pp. unknown. 1896 "The Greenlanders." In: Walsh, Henry C., Last Cruise of the Miranda. New York: Transatlantic Publishing Co., pp. 172-177. 1897 "Some Physical Effects of Arctic Cold, Darkness and Light," Medical Record of New York, v.51, (June 12): 833-836. 1899 Dr. Cook's first account of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition was published in a copyrighted story in the New York Herald on July 2. "La 'Belgica' dans les glaces antarctiques," Credit public, Brussels, no. 135. "The Frozen South," Harper's Weekly, July 22, pp. 714-717. "Life in the Antarctic Ice on the Belgica," Review of Reviews, November, pp. 606-607. "The Possibilities of Antarctic Exploration," Scribner's Magazine, December, pp. 705-712. "Through the First Antarctic Night," Buenos Aires Christian Advocate and the Epworth Herald, v. 6 # 5, pp. unknown. "Two Thousand Miles in the Antarctic Ice," McClure's Magazine, November, pp. 3-18. "Le voyage de la Belgica a 3300 kilometres dans les glaces antarctiques," Le Petit Bleu, November 16-22. Half a page of small print every day. 1900 "The Possibilites of Reaching the Four Poles," Pearson's Magazine (July 10):p. 63 "The Belgian expedition. Two thousand miles in the Antarctic Ice," Windsor Magazine, London, May, vol. XI, p. 719; vol. XII, p. 468. "The Giant Indians of Tierra del Fuego," Century Magazine, March, pp. 720-729. "The New Antarctic Discoveries," Century Magazine, January, pp. 409-427. "A New Tent for the Snow Line," Outing Magazine, December, pp. 333-335. "The Possibilities of Human Life within the Antarctic," Independent, (May 24), pp. 1245-1248. Through the First Antarctic Night. New York: Doubleday, McClure & Co. "A Walk to the North and South Poles," Canadian Magazine, September, pp. 418-425. 1901 "The Aurora Australis, as Observed from the Belgica," Popular Science, May, pp. 21-33. "Captain Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, 1819-1821. The Discovery of Alexander I., Peter I., and Other Islands," Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, v. 33: 36-41. "With Fuegians on a Guanaco Hunt," Outing Magazine, February, pp. 576-580. 1902 "The Daily Work of an Arctic Explorer," In: The White World, ed. by Rudolf Kersting. New York: Lewis, Scribner & Co., pp. 135-144. "Die erste Ueberwinterung in der Antarktis," Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, Munchen, no. 40. "The People of the Farthest North," Everybody's Magazine, January, pages 19-32. Vers le Pole Sud. L'expedition de la "Belgica" 1897-1899, Adaption francaise par A.-L. Pfindler. Brussels: Falk fils, 1902, 320 pages. reprinted as: Vers le Pole Sud. Premier recit avant la decouverte du Pole Nord. Brussels: Falk fils, 1910, 320 pages. French language version of Through the First Antarctic Night. 1903 Die erste Sudpolarnacht 1898-1899. Bericht uber die Entdeckungsreise der "Belgica" in der Sudpolarregion. Kempten: J. Kosel, 1903, 415 pages. German Language Version of Through the First Antarctic Night. 1904 "America's Unconquered Mountain," Harper's Monthly Magazine, January-February, pp. 230-239; 335-344. "A Comparative View of the Arctic and the Antarctic": Abstract. National Geographic Magazine, v. 15: 460-461. See 1905 for full paper. "Factors in the Destruction of Primitive Man," Brooklyn Medical Journal, v. 18, pp. 333-335. "Round Mt. McKinley," Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, v. 36: 321-327. 1905 "A Comparative View of the Arctic and the Antarctic." In: Report of the Eighth International Geographical Conference, held in the United States, 1904. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1905, pp. 705-709. "A Journey Around Mt. M'Kinley." In: Report of the Eighth International Geographical Conference, held in the United States, 1904. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1905, pp. 768-762. "The Voyage of the Belgica": Abstract. In: Report of the Eighth International Geographical Conference, held in the United States, 1904. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1905, p. 710. 1907 "The Conquest of Mt. McKinley," Harper's Monthly Magazine, May, pp. 822-837. "Why not Conquer the South Pole?" Harper's Weekly, May, pp. 674-676. 1908 To the Top of the Continent. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. 1909 Dr. Cook's 2,000 word dispatch from Lerwick which originally appeared in the New York Herald of September 2, was reprinted in several places including: "The North Pole at Last," Outlook, September 11, pp. 61-64; "The Discovery of the North Pole: First Report by Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Sept. 1, 1909," National Geographic Magazine, v. 20: 892-916. The same text can be found in World's Work, October, pp. 12104-12107 and Harper's Weekly, September 11, p. 7. "The Conquest of the North Pole," New York Herald and other papers controlled by the Herald. Serial narrative in twelve installments, every other day from September 15 to October 7. "Two Midnights in the Arctic. An Account of Certain Events and Experiences in the Quest of the Pole," Circle, December, pp. 303-304. Through the First Antarctic Night and To the Top of the Continent reprinted by Doubleday Page. 1911 "Dr. Cook's Own Story," Hampton's Magazine, January-April, pp. 51-66; 162-177; 295-308; 493-502. My Attainment of the Pole. New York: Polar Publishing Co. 604 pages. 1912 "Mount McKinley," introduction to Ralph Cairns' article entitled "Hazards of Climbing Mount McKinley," Overland Monthly, February, p. 106. My Attainment of the Pole, 2nd Edition. New York: Mitchell Kennerley. 604 pages. Slight revisions from 1911 edition. Meine Eroberung des Nordpols, ubersetzt von Erwin Volckmann. Hamburg: A. Janssen. (German language version of My Attainment of the Pole.) 1913 My Attainment of the Pole, 3rd Edition. New York: Mitchell Kennerley. Slight revisions to 1912 edition text, but with added material at end. 610 pages. c.1918 What about the future? Rocky Mountain Sheep Association, Bulletin A, undated , 4 pages. 1925 "Dr. Cook, ‘The Prince of Liars," Writes form his Prison Cell." American Weekly in four parts: July 19, July 26, August 2, August 9. 1926-1930 Numerous essays, editorials and descriptive pieces for The Leavenworth New Era; later issues entitled The New Era, most unsigned. 1928 Zum Mittelpunkt der Arktis; Reiseberichte ohne die Polkontroverse. Braunschweig: Georg Westermann. 384 p. German translation of My Attainment of the Pole omitting all material in reference to the Polar Controversy. 1930 "Clouds," Photo Era, April 30, p. 215. 1931 Various articles for the Apartment Owner under the nom-de-plume J.D. Addison. 1938 "My Experiences with a Camera in the Antarctic," Popular Photography, February, pp. 12 and following. 1951 Return from the Pole. New York: Pelligrini & Cudahy. 1953 Wo Norden Suden Ist. Hamburg: Hoffman und Campe Verlag, 1953, 268 pages. German language version of Return from the Pole. 1980 Through the First Antarctic Night. London: c. Hurst & Co. and others. Facsimile reprint of the 1900 edition with an additional introduction by Gaston de Gerlache. 1996 To the Top of the Continent. Edited by Russell w. gibbons. Mukileto, Washington: AlpenBooks. Reprint of Cooks 1908 edition with the exception of the material in the original appendixes and some of the illustrations. It also contains a full transcription of the text of Cook’s 1906 Mount McKinley diary, edited by Sheldon Cook-Dorough, but does not reproduce all of the drawings it contains. A partial text of Edward Barrill’s diary is also reproduced from the facsimiles that appeared in the New York glove on October 15, 1909. Both of these diary transcriptions contain transcription errors, some of them crucial to a proper understanding of the text. The new appendixes consisting of explanatory or argumentative materials and an article by Russell W. Porter are added. 1998 Through the First Antarctic Night. Pittsburgh: The Polar Publishing Co. New Foreword by Warren B. Cook, Sr. and New Preface by Russell W. Gibbons. Reproduces only one of the 7 original appendices, eliminating Cook’s own appendix "Antarctic Possibilities," substituting two modern essays in their place. Only Amundsen’s appendix on navigation is preserved. Therefore this edition omits 53 pages of original text. It also omits many of the spectacular original pictures by Cook and all of the color plates. 2001 My Attainment of the Pole. New York, Cooper Square Press. Except for a New Introduction by Robert M. Bryce, this is an exact facsimile of the 1913 edition. My Attainment of the Pole, Pittsburgh: Polar Publishing Co. New Foreword by Warren B. Cook, Sr. and New Preface by Russell W. Gibbons. This edition purports to be "The original … text of the classic 1911 book," however, its is only a partial facsimile of the third (1913) edition. It leaves out pages 507-560 and 578-610 of the 1913 text. This material contains the bulk of Cook’s attacks on Peary and his "Arctic Trust," and outdated arguments by partisans in Cook’s favor. It substitutes for these several modern partisan pro-Cook pieces written by current members of the Frederick A. Cook Society, and an uninformed paper by a Russian scientist advocating Cook’s claim. It also does not reproduce some of the original pictures, substituting others instead. Interestingly, it substitutes a version of Cook’s "Glacial Island" showing the land at the edge that Cook carefully cropped off of his original print to hide the fact it was not taken anywhere near where he placed it in the book. |