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Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Dunkle and Loose get paid

May 15, 2024

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.

In the latest book on the Polar Controversy, author Darrell Hartman focuses on the Press’ role in making the 1909 dispute between Cook and Peary a national obsession. He agrees with me [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony” : Part 18: Why Cook went on.

April 5, 2024

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.
There can be no doubt that Frederick Cook intended to make a real attempt to reach the North Pole. Numerous accounts by others recall him saying it was his “life’s ambition.” When [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony” : Part 17: Tracing Cook’s actual route: Part 4: How far did he go?

March 13, 2024

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.
We have now come to the penultimate installment of this series, having examined the first leg of Cook’s journey from Annoatok to Cape Thomas Hubbard and the third leg of his journey from his [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony” : Part 16: Tracing Cook’s actual route: Part 3: Testing the two accounts.

February 19, 2024

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.
Immediately upon the publication of Peary’s statement about what Cook’s Inuit said appeared, partisans of both sides noticed the extreme differences in the route on Peary’s map compared to the one published by Cook [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony”: Part 15: Tracing Cook’s actual route: Part 2: Two irreconcilable accounts.

January 29, 2024

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.
A further assurance that the Inuit did not draw the first leg of the journey from Annoatok to Cape Thomas Hubbard on Peary’s map is that nowhere along that route do they indicate any [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony”: Part 14: Tracing Cook’s actual route: Part 1.

December 27, 2023

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.

Because, as we have seen, the existing evidence of what the Inuit said to others about their journey with Dr. Cook varies, and is sometimes contradictory, we will now examine how these accounts [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony”: Part 13: So what did the Inuit really say?

November 28, 2023

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.
We have now examined all the known relevant testimony surrounding what Dr. Cook’s two Inuit companions had to say to others concerning the journey on which they accompanied him. The various versions [...]


The 125th Anniversary of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition: An unpublished paper.

October 26, 2023

The ongoing series on the “Eskimo Testimony” will resume next month.
In early 1997 I was asked to submit a paper for a symposium to be held at Ohio State University in Columbus. The aim of the symposium was to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition, led by Adrien de Gerlache. [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony”: Part 12: Inuit Folk Memory

September 14, 2023

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.
There are four other miscellaneous accounts that do not fit into the narrative up to now, but I will now mention for the sake of completeness.   The first is that of Paul Rainey, who [...]


The Cook-Peary files: The “Eskimo Testimony”: Part 11: Analysis of the “Eskimo Testimony”: Has the North Pole Been Discovered?; Volume 2

August 26, 2023

This is the latest in a series of posts that publish for the first time significant documents related to the Polar Controversy.
The publication of Hall’s monumental study of the Polar Controversy in 1917, although flawed by his severe animus against Peary, was a turning point in the history of this long-lasting geographical dispute. But [...]
