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Dr. Cook Artifacts 2: The Esquimaux pitchers

November 10, 2021


In the summer of 1893, after his return from Greenland where he had been surgeon to Peary’s North Greenland Expedition, Frederick Cook was hired to be “guide” for a tour of Greenland aboard the yacht Zeta. The ship had been chartered by a Yale professor on behalf of his half-addled son, who had developed an uncontrollable obsession with the notion of seeing the Far North after hearing Peary speak of his experiences there at one of his lectures the previous winter. It was on this voyage that Cook first conceived of an American Antarctic Expedition with himself as its leader. To that end he traded for fur garments and dogs while in the Danish settlements. But how to finance it?

When the Zeta touched at Rigolet, Labrador, he met an Inuit man who worked for the Hudson’s Bay Co. who had two teenage children. Before the Zeta sailed Cook somehow persuaded the man to allow him to take the two, a 16-year old girl named Kahlahkatak, and a 14-year old boy named Mekok, back with him to the United States, promising to return them the following year. For convenience, Cook renamed his wards Clara and Willie.

Once back in Brooklyn he put the two children up at his brother’s house on Bedford Avenue. It wasn’t long before the New York newspapers carried amusing accounts of the first “full-blooded Eskimos” ever to visit America. The children were amazed by the tall buildings and feared the heights of the bridges. They detested ice cream, and complained about the weather being too cold. All the time, Dr. Cook continued to plan his assault on the nearly-unknown Antarctic continent.

Lecture 2

He petitioned the American Geographical Society for financial support, and when that was not forthcoming, he contracted with the famous impresario of the lecture platform, Major James B. Pond, for a series of lectures on his experiences in the Arctic and the curious culture of it’s inhabitants.

Throughout the winter Cook toured New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Massachusetts, at admission prices ranging from 25 to 75 cents, illustrating his lecture with a hundred stereo-opticon views of Greenland. At his appearances he exhibited some of his dogs and also Willie and Clara, got up as if they were “wild people” in fur costumes he had obtained in Greenland. He never mentioned that instead of an igloo, the two children lived with their parents in a civilized log house in Rigolet, but implied instead that they lived in the traditional Inuit style.

After the tour ended, Cook continued to exhibit at Huber’s Dime Museum at $300 a week, where he appeared nine times a day on a stage set up to look like and Inuit encampment. He populated this “village” with not only Willie and Clara, but also four of the ten Labrador Inuit who had been abandoned by their exhibitors after the close of the World’s Columbian Exhibition in Chicago the previous fall. His initial run of appearances at Huber’s was a big success, and the owner wanted him to continue longer, but Cook cut them short when one of the World’s Fair Inuit took sick and died.

Cook lectureTo supplement his income from his appearances, Cook had made up a large number of stoneware milk pitchers trimmed in gold and bearing a colored transfer image of either Mekok with a native dog, or Kahlahkatak holding a puppy, based on photographs he had used in his promotional literature for his lectures. These he sold as souvenirs, probably for 25 cents each. Judging by the proportions they turn up today, it appears that Kahlahkatak’s pitcher was the better seller. It seems about three times more common than Mekok’s pitcher.

Cook also was accompanied by Clara and Willie at lectures he gave to the New York Obstetrical Association and the Brooklyn Gynecological Society, at which he first described the hitherto unrecognized details surrounding the spacing of Inuit births and the seasonality of the menstrual cycle in Inuit women. As a result of these lectures, Cook was elected a member of the American Ethnological Association. He also took the children along when he entered some of his wolfish dogs into the Westchester Kennel Club show in 1894, winning three prizes there.

None of this produced either the kind of money or the backing he needed to attack the Antarctic fastness, however. So Cook hatched the idea of a “tourist jaunt” to Greenland in the summer of 1894 aboard the steamer Miranda for well-healed excursionists at $500 a head (about a $3,500 today), with famously disastrous consequences. The ship hit an iceberg, ran into a reef and foundered on the way home, but all the passengers were saved.

On the way out on that ill-fated voyage, Cook stopped again at Rigolet to return not only Willie and Clara, but also the nine surviving World’s Fair Inuit, who came from the same region of Labrador.


Today, these sturdy  stoneware pitchers remain as lasting reminders of this little known early phase of Dr. Cook’s eventful career.


Frederick Cook, M.D.: What it was to be a doctor in 1890

October 4, 2021


In too many instances modern interpretations of history ignore the true context of events. Individuals’ attitudes and actions are today often criticized or condemned because they do not conform to current thinking on social or moral norms. But to treat the past as if it were the present, completely distorts history and thwarts an understanding of the past as it was actually lived. Even the simple fact that Frederick Cook was a medical doctor must be put in the perspective of his own times without the intervention of current attitudes and expectations. Otherwise, without any historical context, many might ascribe attributes of social status or character now associated with being a medical doctor to him that would not have applied in Cook’s time.

In 1890, when Cook received his medical degree from New York University, the scientific basis of today’s medicine was barely understood even by its most advanced practitioners, and because of this doctors were hardly held in the high regard they are today. Most of America’s 57 million inhabitants then lived in rural areas, and farmers still far outnumbered laborers. Babies were mostly delivered at home by mid-wives, and outside the cities, hospitals hardly existed. In 1889 there were only 700 hospitals in the whole nation, and there were only fifteen nursing schools. Even in metropolises like Boston, hospitals were places where only the working poor, indigent or the insane received institutional care. The rest, from the middle class up, were treated at home, usually by a relative, or at best by someone who had some “medical” experience, perhaps during the Civil War. If a community had access to a “doctor,” he was often a self-proclaimed one, with perhaps some experience working with an actual physician. But even then, because there were few regulations on who could practice medicine, that might not be much of a qualification.

Many shunned doctors entirely, and for good reason. As Oliver Wendell Holmes of Harvard’s Medical School said at mid-century, “If the whole materia medica as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind—and all the worse for the fishes.” Through much of the 19th Century medical practice included such ancient practices as blood letting and harsh purging of the bowels. These treatments, though given in good faith, were based on misapprehensions of the causes of disease, which were often thought to arise from miasmas or imbalances of the humors within the body. Even Koch’s announcement of the Germ Theory in the 1870s, and his identity of the specific microbes that caused tuberculosis and cholera in the 1880s, and Pasteur’s proof that microbial agents were the cause of such diseases as anthrax were slow to take hold. It was one thing to identify the causative agent, another to discern a cure for the disease caused by it. Tuberculosis remained the number one killer of adults fifty years after Koch’s identification of its pathogen. Lister’s 1867 demonstrations that led to antiseptic techniques to avoid infection of wounds eventually revolutionized the surgical field, but they were also put into practice slowly, and effective antiseptic techniques did not become routine until the mid-1890s.

Despite the growing acceptance of Germ Theory, in 1890 the causes of epidemics of vector diseases like yellow fever, malaria and typhus remained unknown, and the treatments given them were futile. Poor sanitation, filthy, crowded living conditions in the cities and unprotected water supplies led to massive outbreaks of cholera, gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. Typhoid fever, syphilis, malaria, measles and diphtheria commonly claimed those TB spared. Vaccination as a preventative to infection was limited to small pox, and it was usually employed only during an epidemic. Basically, before antibiotics, doctors had a reliable cure for almost nothing.

Life expectancy at birth was a little over 40 on the average, lowered by the frequency of death in infants and children who died in childbirth, or of measles, diphtheria, diarrhea, croup, pneumonia or scarlet fever. Those who survived past 40 could, however, expect to live on average to 65. But compared to today, few lived long enough to die of degenerative diseases such as heart disease or cancer.

As a result of the scarcity of rural physicians and a suspicion of their treatments, calling a doctor was a last resort after consulting with family, friends or perhaps a general storekeeper with a stock of patent medicines that often contained dangerous compounds such as arsenic, antimony, mercury or opium, or reliance on tonics whose only active ingredient was alcohol. There were no pure food and drug laws until 1906, and little regulation of drugs, either over the counter or prescription medications. Pharmacists actually competed with doctors in that they were allowed to fill any prescriptions once issued to a patient over and over, leading to sometimes inappropriate self-dosing.

Most state licensing laws did not come into force until the end of the 1880’s, and even then the best educated medical doctors had invested relatively little time in training compared to modern standards. A medical degree could be obtained in three years and the coursework consisted mainly of attending abstract lectures with little or no bedside or laboratory training. Entrance requirements consisted of being of “good moral character” and being 21 years of age. There were no formal educational requirements beyond grammar school. Dr. Cook’s course work at New York University was typical: two winter lecture series lasting six months each and a course in practical anatomy followed by passing written examinations in surgery, chemistry, practice of medicine, materia medica, anatomy, physiology and obstetrics. Practical examinations on a cadaver and demonstration of urinalysis competency were also required.

Their low standing placed most physicians outside of cities in a cash-strapped position. It was considered ordinary to carry at least 30% of owed bills on a deferred, “ability to pay” basis, and to accept in-kind payments in goods and services in lieu of cash. Even in the big cities pay for doctors was not high. In 1909 the average general practitioner in New York City earned $1,300 a year. In modern buying power that would amount to about $30,900 today. A common labor averaged about $500. Cook, like most other doctors of his time, had to work hard to establish a practice and struggle to retain the patients he did attract.

Cook felt it necessary to take a further private course in medical diagnosis after graduating. With little understanding of the underlying causes of disease, diagnosis lay at the heart of being a successful doctor in Cook’s time. Such aides as X-rays, electrocardiographs and diagnostic tests beyond urinalysis all lay in the future. The ophthalmoscope and laryngoscope were then considered the tools of specialists, and even the use of the stethoscope and the thermometer was not yet universal. Clues to the nature of the patient’s illness had to be obtained by sight and touch. As such, observational skills were critical. A doctor’s reputation and credibility rested squarely on his diagnostic and prognostic skills, which may account for Dr. Cook’s success as a physician. He was an acute observer.

The effective medicines the doctor prescribed were limited as well, and as already alluded to, often contained dangerous compounds. Few were without side effects or long term consequences. For pain or diarrhea concoctions containing opium, such as laudanum, were useful. Digitalis was prescribed to manage certain heart irregularities; quinine exerted an effect on malaria. A new drug, acetylsalicylic acid, later commonly called by its trade name, Aspirin, was found effective against fevers and rheumatism. Belladonna was used to treat asthma, whooping cough and cardiac disease; mercury compounds were commonly used against syphilis. Tincture of iodine was a common disinfectant. But like today, most patients equated being given a medicine with proof that something tangible was being done to address their ailment, and doctors of Cook’s time routinely carried a supply of sugar pills when they knew they had nothing effective to offer beyond satisfying this psychological need.

In Cook’s day, as did the ancients, physicians still considered environmental factors to play a large role in the onset and progress of diseases and sought to control them, for example, advising TB patients to move to a dry climate. The use of diet, tonics, and wines as “blood stimulants” were also considered part of good practice.

A glimpse into Cook’s use of the medicines at his disposal in the context of the knowledge and practice of his time can be gotten from the medical advice he wrote out for Peary just before his separation from him on Peary’s attempt to cross Greenland’s icecap in 1892:Cook quote

The invention of anesthesia using ether, chloroform or nitrous oxide, had made pain-free surgery possible, but major operations, which were usually performed outside of hospitals, remained rare due to the ongoing obstacle of post-operative infection until it was controlled through antiseptic technique. So the term “surgeon” by which Cook was known on the arctic expedition with Peary and with de Gerlache’s Belgian Antarctic Expedition, should not be equated with the common understanding of the term today. Cook was not trained or qualified to handle more than would be considered “minor” surgery today.

With such limitations of effective treatment and diagnostic technologies, the ability to inspire confidence in the patient and assure him he would recover was recognized as one of physician’s most powerful tools, and the “bedside manner” displayed by a doctor was often the determining factor in the selection and retention of a physician by prospective patients. In this area Cook was at a great advantage. His always cheerful, non-fussy, and compassionate behavior was noted by everyone who knew him. While other doctors so jealously guarded against losing their patients to other practices that they rarely took time off or entrusted their care to another doctor for even a short time, Cook was absent on his exploring adventures years at a time, yet when he returned his patients always came back to him.

The patient’s impression of Cook can be sensed from a quote by Admiral Winfield S. Schley, the hero of the Battle of Santiago in the Spanish-American War, that appeared in the Los Angeles Times on September 23, 1909, shortly after Cook returned to America from the Arctic and his claim to have been to the North Pole and his general veracity was being questioned. “Dr. Frederick A. Cook was for two years my wife’s physician,” said Schley. “I saw him two or three times a week, and we chatted many hours. If I have ever known a man of integrity, probity, sincerity and modesty, it is Dr. Cook.”

The astute perception of human psychology that made Cook able to nearly carry out the most audacious circumstantial geographical hoax ever attempted was just as instrumental in his success as a physician. He understood that “the passions” and psychological factors were often as important in medical recovery as actual treatment of illness in his time. He was ever encouraging to his patients as, for example, in alleviating the depression now known as Seasonal Affective Disorder that ran rampant among his shipmates during the first overwintering within the Antarctic Circle aboard the Belgica.

As Roald Amundsen, who was the Belgica’s second officer, attested in his book My Life as an Explorer: “It was in this fearful emergency, during these thirteen long months in which almost the certainty of death stared us steadily in the face, that I came to know Dr. Cook intimately. He, was the one man of unfaltering courage, unfailing hope, endless cheerfulness, and unwearied kindness. When anyone was sick, he was at his bedside to comfort him; when any was disheartened, he was there to encourage and inspire. And not only was his faith undaunted, but his ingenuity and enterprise were boundless.”

His acute powers of observation led him to correctly conclude that a major contributing factor was a lack of sunlight during the Antarctic winter and led his to prescribe a crude form of light therapy, placing them before an open fire as a substitute. He also set an example and always found words to give them hope, the best medicine of all.

This understanding of human nature and the power of the mind over the body was enhanced by his contact with primitive cultures, such as that of the Greenland Inuit, where he observed the power of the native shamans to distract, comfort and sometimes “cure” their “patients” solely by elaborate ritual practices that convinced them they would recover.

Only with all this in mind, can we have a truer picture of Cook’s actual status in his time and avoid the pitfalls of “presentism” and avoid judging the past by modern standards and experience, which would impute to him a much higher status than he actually enjoyed and that his professional training had endowed him with intellectual achievement and scientific acumen that under its then comparatively sketchy requirements he did not necessarily possess. It also avoids the assumption that being a doctor conferred on him a high degree of ethics and moral standing that many now impute to his profession and so would make him less vulnerable to resorting to deceit and dishonesty.

This survey of the state of medicine in Cook’s time is largely based on the article “What it was like to be sick in 1884,” by Charles E. Rosenberg, that appeared in American Heritage, volume 35, number 6, published in 1984.

The quotation from Cook’s medical instructions to Peary can be found among the records of Peary’s first Greenland Expedition of 1891-92, which are part of the Peary Family Collection housed at the National Archives and Records Administration II, College Park, MD.


Dr. Cook Artifacts 1: The Cook Statuette

September 27, 2021


The Polar Controversy spawned an avalanche of items designed to take advantage of the intense public interest in the dispute between September and December 1909. Most of these were ephemeral items, but they were so numerous that many of them have survived. One such item was a statuette of each of the two explorers that was designed to be sold at newsstands in New York City. They are made of chalkware and cast on a metal armature that runs up through the figures’ legs. They were copyrighted by the Franklin Lithograph Co. of New York, which was located at E. 87th Street.


The sculpts are signed “Geo. Magnani” on the reverse. The statuettes are very similar in pose, but not identical, the main difference being the details of the face so as to distinguish between the two explorers. Each has alliterative attributed characteristics of the explorer encompassed by the first letter of his last name on the globe beneath his feet, and a slogan on the base. Perhaps a bias toward Cook is conveyed by the chosen slogans. Cook’s reads “The Man Who Compelled Belief!”; Peary’s “What Have You Nailed Lately?”

These statuettes are scarce today because of the cheap materials they were constructed of and are very seldom found intact. The relative number of them that have survived seems to indicate that they were put on sale early in the controversy and sold in relatively equal numbers.


Inside the Peary Expedition: Part 15: December 1912: Franke’s case against Peary is resolved

August 11, 2021

The case drug on for another three years. In June 1911, a commission was sent to Canada and the United States to investigate and take testimony from several witnesses including Joe White and Henry Johnson, mentioned in Franke’s complaint. Both men were originally members of the Roosevelt’s crew, but they and all other Americans were dismissed by Peary at Sydney, leaving only Newfoundlanders to man her. Both men, however, were hired on as Able Bodied Seamen on the Erik by Captain Sam Bartlett, and so made the trip to Etah aboard her in company with Peary’s ship. Both later gave affidavits attesting to Peary’s covetousness when it came to furs and ivory, and how he traded for them at great advantage, yet banned any member of either ship’s crew from bartering with the Inuit for the like, or anything else of value. An affidavit by each man was published in the October 1910 issue of Tourist Magazine in an article authored by B.S. Osbon. We can assume that their sworn testimony to the visiting commission was similar in content.

This same commission also interviewed Dr. Cook in New York. Cook had finally returned to America in December 1910 after an absence of slightly more than a year, during most of which his whereabouts were unknown. In a letter to Peary’s lawyer from his representative, Mr. Griffith, of the legal firm of Joline, Larken & Rathbone, dated June 15, 1911, he reported that the deposition was taken before himself and the commissioner, Mr. Schurz, in Franke’s presence. He reported that Cook testified that he had not initiated the suit. While under oath he got Cook to say, after some reluctance, that he was the Cook who claimed to have reached the North Pole in 1908, adding, “And I did go there,” much to the lawyer’s delight. As he put it, “If he is still willing to assert under oath that he went to the North Pole, I should not think that a German or any other Court would care very much what else he said.”

On December 13, 1911, Peary wrote this letter to his lawyer, Charles Nichols concerning the case:Peary 1911 letter 1

Peary 1911 letter 2Peary 1911 letter 3Others who were deposed were Walter A. Larned, who had been one of the paying “guests” on the Roosevelt, and Captain Bob Bartlett. B.S. Osbon, who was to testify, had, in the meantime, died. Victor Schneider, Peary’s German lawyer, didn’t think much of the testimony for the Plaintiff. In a letter dated June 23, 1912, to Peary’s lawyer, Charles J. Nichols, Schneider said, “Johnson’s testimony amounts to absolutely nothing and Joe White appears to be a weak witness for Franke, although his testimony shows much prejudice in the matter. Franke himself was present and at intervals made himself obnoxious by his attempts to assist his witnesses. I cannot see that Franke has as yet produced any testimony outside of his own statement, to support his action, except possibly Cook’s statement that half of the furs were Franke’s.
“Certainly there is not a line of testimony that would be competent or relevant under our rules of evidence to show that any furs belonging to Cook or Franke were ever received on board either the ‘Roosevelt’ or the ‘Eric,’ and there is not a line of testimony as to any arrangements between Admiral Peary and Franke as to any demand made by Admiral Peary upon Franke.”

Franke tendered an oath for Peary to swear to, but then withdrew it, as he indicated he wished more witnesses to be deposed, including Peary, himself. However Schneider wrote to Nichols on January 16, 1913, advising Peary to ignore the withdrawal and sign the tendered oath. This he did, apparently backdating it to before the date of Franke’s withdrawal to December 9, 1912:

“I, Robert E. Peary, the defendant herein, swear {sic} before God, the Almighty and Allknowing that: ‘I did not tell the plaintiff in August 1908 at Etah, that I would only take him onto my ship “Eric” and return him to New York provided he would give me his entire collection of blue fox skins, navalhorns {sic} and walrus’ teeth, which the plaintiff and Dr. Cook co-jointly had collected, without any pecuniary consideration. SO HELP ME GOD.”

On the basis of this affidavit the case of Rudolph Franke v. Robert E. Peary, was dismissed by the German court. After all, the word of a man of the moral stature of Robert E. Peary under oath could not possibly be doubted.

The letters referred to and Peary’s sworn statement, along with many others items regarding the case are all at NARA II.

This is the last article in this series: “Inside the Peary Expedition.”


Inside the Peary Expedition: Part 14: Aftermath: June 10, 1910: Franke sues Robert E. Peary

July 23, 2021

After the adverse findings of the commission appointed to examine Dr. Cook’s records at the University of Copenhagen in December 1909, and the superficial examination Peary’s records received by the National Geographic Society the previous month that resulted in a favorable verdict on his claim, Peary was generally acknowledged as the discoverer of the North Pole. After some preliminary lectures in the United Sates, he set off on a triumphal tour of Europe where he was honored and awarded gold medals and other honors. While staying at the Adlon Hotel in Berlin, however, he received something he didn’t want; he was served papers in connection with a suit brought by Rudolph Franke aimed at recovering the monetary equivalent of the furs and other belongings he claimed Peary had extorted from him at Etah in August 1908.

In connection with this suit Franke filed the following deposition:

“To carry out Dr. Cook’s orders, the complainant transferred the things from Annatok {sic} to Etah and from there to Arwagluari-Po[i]nt. This last point was especially difficult as it lead over the very dangerous glacier known as the Morris K. Jesup Glacier, partially melted by the sun. The complainant suffered from a serious sprain to one of his legs. In Arwagluari-Po[i]nt the complainant left his things together with a letter asking passing whalers or any other ship to take the same to New York. In this letter he said the things belonged to Dr. Cook and should be given to Mrs. Cook. The complainant returned to Etah and from there to North Star Bay in a boat. This is a station of the Whalers. Here he left news that he was sick, and any ship happening along the coast to take him aboard or to look for him in Etah, and after his return to Etah, he found there the defendant’s ship ‘Roosevelt’ which ship was joined next day by the Eric {sic}.

“In spite of the fact that the defendant had received the letter left by the complainant at North Star Bay, he offered no assistance. Proof that the complainant received letter as follow: Sworn to by witness Joe White 419 West 39th Street, New York City and for the articles left, testified to by Dr. Cook whose address will be given later.1 The defendant is required to swear the above is true. Furthermore the testimony of the witnesses named below to whom the complainant told the course of this Expedition and showed his drawings which same drawings were placed before the Cook Commission in Copenhagen.

“The defendant was not present when the complainant arrived in Etah, being off on a hunting trip. The physician of the Expedition cared for the complainant. Upon return of the defendant he asked the complainant if he had articles and if so where. This question was only put to give the impression that the letter left at North Star Bay by complainant had not been found by defendant. The Complainant told defendant which articles he had and where they were to be found. He also told defendant that Dr. Cook had requested him to bring these articles to N. Y. and that they belonged to Dr. Cook. Following is the list of the items: 200 blue fox skins valued at from 40 to 50 thousand mark, 7 pieces narwhal horns valued per piece 6 to 7 hundred mark [each], 2 dozen narwhal teeth2 valued 1000 mark Sworn and testified to by Joe White.

“The companion ship Eric was to return from Etah to N. Y. so the complainant asked that he and his articles be taken to N.Y. The defendant made reply that under no consideration would he transport his belongings but if he gave up his furs which the defendant needed for his Expedition he would allow him pass[age to] go on the ship. Testimony as before. Furthermore the defendant told the complainant he would try his utmost to find Dr. Cook. As the complainant was very ill and believed he would die shortly also that the defendant would use furs and narwhal horns solely for his expedition and because he believed that the defendant would do all possible in the interest of the complainant’s employer namely, Dr. Cook, he consented to have his belongings removed by the defendant’s Eskimos from Arwagluari-Po[i]nt. This was soon done and the defendant forced the complainant to give him his belongings on board the Roosevelt. He also forced him to write letters of August 11 and 13th, 1908.3 As compensation for his passage to N. Y. Complainant gave to defendant all his provisions of which he had goodly supply. Testimony as before.

“The complainant began his return on board the Eric and was bedridden the first few days. As he grew better, he learned the return of the Eric had been provided for by a Mr. Norton and that defendant had nothing to do with same. He further learned much to his surprise that many blue fox skins as well as narwhal horns were to be found on board the Eric. The complainant felt sure that he could swear that two narwhal horns were done up in the same packing in which he, the complainant had placed them and directed to the former President of the U. S., Roosevelt. Testimony as before. The complainant has learned that the defendant has made presents of blue fox skins given by the complainant to the following: Pres. Roosevelt, the present President Taft and Mrs. Taft, Capt. Sam Bartlett, Brigus Newfoundland, Mr. Craft from Carnegie Institute, Washington D.C., Edd Larned, 156 Broadway, N.Y. City, Frank Norton, 589 Exchange Place, 14 Etage, N.Y. city, Harry Whitney, Newhaven, Connecticut, U. S. A. In consequence of the above having received blue fox skins and they they {sic} were the same skins given to defendant by complainant the testimony of same will be taken. Mr. Sam Bartlett and Mr. White and crew of the Eric whose names will be given later. The testimony of Capt. Osborn, 138 East 23 Street, N.Y. City is especially important. He is acquainted with all the details relative to the arrival of skins, belongings etc. All the before mentioned articles namely, blue fox skins, narwhal horns, narwhal teeth and provisions were the common property of Dr. Cook and complainant. Cook had agreed with complainant that later on the amount received by the sale of the various articles would be divided between the two as compensation for the Expedition. Testimony of Cr. Cook and his letter, March 17-1908. Further, It must be taken into consideration that it is the right of an old custom to divide the spoils of such an expedition between the others of the same. In this case there were only Dr. Cook and the complainant who took part in the Expedition, so in accordance with this oldtime custom, they should share all share alike.

“When complainant declared all his belongings as Dr. Cook’s property and as such gave them over to defendant, it was with this idea to secure better protection as Dr. Cook is better known here and personally acquainted with defendant, while complainant is unknown, being for the first time in this region.

“The defendant is duty bound to make good to the complainant the value of the different articles. It has already been mentioned that complainant was seriously ill and unable to care for himself. He needed the care of a Dr. and the Whalers on board of which he had accepted to return were gone, therefore he was at the mercy of the defendant and compelled to accept his terms. As the Eric now remained the only ship on which he could return, all this the defendant knew and still refused to give complainant passage if he insisted upon taking his belongings with him.

“The complainant also learned that the statement made by defendant in which he declared the great need of the furs for his expedition to be untrue, as Complainant afterward learned that defendant was richly provided with skins and that same had already been fashioned into garments. Testimony Henry Jo[h]nson Arctic Club 139 E. 23rd Street New York City.

“As has already been testified to, the defendant had no need of the skins etc. for his expedition, but made presents with some of them, sent home by the Eric and turned the rest into money. The defendant doubtless made the presents to those in authority with a view of gaining their favor for himself, characteristic are the two letters of August 11 and 13th, which the defendant had ordered to be written to protect himself against future criticism. As soon as complainant brought his case before the public these letters were published in the New York Times, the paper favoring Peary.

“The date of the paper in which these letters were published is to be found in court. We have already mentioned and put under consideration of experienced people that the skins had a value of from 40 to 50 thousand mark, narwhal horns valued for 4200 to 4900 mark, walrus teeth valued 1000 mark, the total amount being from 45 to 55 thousand mark. The complainant has a right to claim one half of the amount revived by sale of said articles.

“In this case 20,000 mark are required to be paid by defendant to complainant.4

“All explanation and transaction in reference to the above mentioned case between defendant and complainant will be fought.

“The defendant is not in position to return the goods to complainant as he has either sold or made presents of same. On this account he has to be sworn in.

“In conclusion, it will be stated that the Complainant asked aid of the German Rotschafter (consolate) in Washington and was told to go to German authorities.

“Copy to be found in the Gerichtsschreiborei [Judicial Reporters], Berlin, June 8-1910


Richard Thiel.”

1 At the time of this deposition, Frederick Cook had not been heard from since November 1909, and his whereabouts were unknown.

2 Actually the “narwhal teeth” were walrus tusks.

3 See these letters in previous posts in this series.

4 A German Mark at the time was equal to 20 cents, or 5 marks to the dollar. A dollar was worth approximately 25 times as much as it is today in buying power. So 20,000 M would be $4,000, with the buying power of today’s dollar of $100,000.

A typed copy of the deposition is among Peary’s papers at NARA II.


Inside the Peary Expedition: Part 13: Aftermath: Spetember 1908; Franke reaches the United States

June 10, 2021

On August 18th Franke, still brooding over his dealings with Peary, watched the Roosevelt steam slowly north and vanish from sight among the ice of Smith Sound. Peary had forbidden him to take anything aboard the Erik besides his personal effects; he was not even allowed a pair of dogs he wanted to donate to the Catholic relief mission ship St. Bernard. The Roosevelt was hardly out of sight when Franke began to hear grumblings among the crew of the Erik about Peary’s unfair treatment of them, though while the commander had been present they had seemed totally subservient.

The day after the Roosevelt sailed, the Arctic, under the command of Captain Joseph Bernier, anchored in Etah’s harbor. Captain Bernier had hope to try for the North Pole himself in 1908, but the Canadian government had ordered him to visit the islands discovered by Sverdrup and claim Canadian sovereignty over them instead. One of Bernier assignments was to deliver 15 boxes of relief supplies sent by Marie Cook. Bernier also had 11 letters for Dr. Cook, which Franke took on the doctor’s behalf. He gave them to Harry Whitney for safekeeping, since he did not trust Peary’s men to deliver them. When Bernier tried to obtain a team of dogs to aid his explorations, Bos’n Murphy would not allow him to have a single animal, and after caching Cook’s supplies slightly south of Etah, the Arctic left Foulke Fjord bound for Jones Sound.

The meeting with Captain Bernier made Franke all the more depressed and resentful of Peary. Certainly, he thought, Peary must have known the Arctic was coming to Etah but had kept silent in order to extort from him Cook’s provisions and furs for his personal gain. He felt he now realized the extent of Peary’s unscrupulous nature and began to fear for Dr. Cook’s safety in case of his return, as Peary seemed capable of anything. But he had asked Panikpa to keep a watchful eye on things at Annoatok; in this, at least, Franke took comfort as the Erik left Etah on August 23rd . He did not know that at that moment Panikpa was bound for Cape Sheridan aboard the Roosevelt, along with many of the Eskimos who had accompanied Dr. Cook across Ellesmere Land, for further questioning.

Even the prospects of a tranquil voyage vanished when , on the evening of September 22nd the Erik collided with an iceberg that stove in her bow. After some frantic activity, it was determined that the severely damaged ship could still make port. Franke went below to discover that his trunk was also a casualty of the accident. Many of the photographic plat4es were destroyed, but he was able to save Dr. Cook’s diary.

When the Erik limped into Brigus the next day, he was hospitably greeted by Moses Bartlett, who had captained the Bradley. There he found that it was not September 23rd, as he thought, but September 30th. In the nightless Arctic summer he had lost count of seven days. The Erik managed to make it to St. John’s for repairs, and from there Franke took a boat to Sydney, where he caught the train for New York.

Once in the city he met with the secretary of the Arctic Club, B.S. Osbon. Osbon was a flamboyant character with many outspoken views. He knew all the inside gossip about Robert Peary and found him insufferably arrogant. When he heard Franke’s story of his dealings with Peary at Etah, he urged Franke to write a letter to Josephine Peary asking her to set things straight or he would report the affair publicly. Franke enclosed two copies of the letter, one in English and one in German, since Mrs. Peary spoke his native tongue:

[illegible N.Y. address]

Mrs. Robert E. Peary

Washington, D.C.


While I am very sorry to do it, I cannot help

to write these lines to you. No doubt your hus-

band has mentioned me to you in his last letter

and told you that I met him at Etah, North Green-

land. When I first met your husband, sickness and

distressing fatiques had brought me near death, and

people said I could not live much longer.

I told your husband all concerning John Bradley’s

expedition and especially all about Dr. Cook in a

sincere frank and honest way, and was glad not only

to have met your husband but to have won a mutual

confidence. Unfortunately I found how much I was

mistaken on that in return trip on the “Erik” as to

my trust in your husband when I found out how unfair

a man could be, who called himself a gentleman. Let

me tell you my explanation. Among other things your

husband said, he could not allow that Dr. Cook’s be-

longings (about 200 fox skins and 7 narwhale horns)

to go with the Erik for he himself needed winter clo-

thing, etc., and he said he had never traded or

bought furs to be taken South. Your husband knew

that the furs and narwhale horns were Dr. Cook’s

property and how his action in obtaining the same

made him guilty. When I spoke to him the next

day about his action he told me literally:

“Do you think I would allow you to go home with the

furs on board the Eric? I never did it in my life

to send furs and something else home. I will shoulder

the responsibility with Dr. Cook myself.” I told all

I took and the whole thing was settled for me. My

health improved and I could walk around. I saw your

husband must have permitted to send furs home for I

saw boxes and bundles and took notice of some addresses.

found likewise that furs were dried in the salon of the

Eric; furs which belonged to Dr. Cook. When your hus-

band needed furs for winter clothing, why did he not

keep them on deck to be used for the benefit of his men

instead of sending them to you and other persons as pre-

sents: I have acted fair towards your husband. From the

instant I was told he had come here with an expedition.

I stopped buying and trading and left him everything

he needed. I am now busy with getting my report

ready and to be truthful I must mention this inci-

dent. The honor of your husband will very much

be doubted and I leave it to you to remedy this

occurrence in communicating with Mrs. Fred A. Cook.

All women are, as a rule, clever and wise and can

overcome difficulties easily, that are almost im-

possible for men. Please, help! I am writing the

truth to you and if necessary, I can swear too all

I have said above before court.

Sincerely yours

Rudolph Franke

When Jo Peary ignored Franke’s letters, Osbon made good on his promise of creating a “sensation” in the press by claiming Peary had used Franke’s desperate condition to extort from him supplies and valuable fur and ivory worth more than $5,000.

When it came time to write her letters to be delivered to her husband via the Arctic whalers, Jo warned him of the events that had ensued since he departed on his latest expedition:Jo letter

March 23, 1909

My Dearest,
The usual 6 copies of whaler letters are
to go on the 25th so here goes hoping & believing you
will not depend on them for news. Surely you
will come this Fall. You must. I could not
face another winter without you. I never
have wanted you as I have this last year.
The children have been fairly well & things have
gone well but I need you.
The Erik rammed an iceberg on a clear night
after leaving Cape Haven last Sept. & was badly
smashed but managed to reach St. John’s under
her own steam.
Cook & his friends may give you trouble.
That dog Franck told Osbon of the Arctic Club
that you stole all of Cook’s furs & ivory valued at
$5,000 & sent them as presents to Roosevelt,
your wife & others & drove Franck out of
the country at the point of your rifle.
Osbon published this & a lot of similar rot
& I simply had to allow Reick1 to publish
some of the correspondence between you &

Franck. The matter is to be taken up again

when you return according to Osbon.

Adm. Schley2 is pres. of the Arctic Club & is solic-
iting money for a relief ship for Cook
to be commanded by Dillon Wallace3.

1. William Reick, sub-editor of the New York Times.
2. Admiral Winfield Scott Schley’s connection with the Arctic came from his rescue of the survivors of Greely’s Lady Franklin Bay Expedition in 1884. He later was the hero of the Naval battle of Santiago during the Spanish American War.
3. Dillon Wallace was a lawyer and best selling author, who mounted three expeditions to Labrador. He was a personal friend of Dr. Cook’s and a fellow member of the Arctic Club.

A typed copy of Franke’s letter and Jo’s letter is at NARA II.


Inside the Peary Expedition: Part 12: August 17; Peary prepares to sail north

May 19, 2021

After a walrus hunt to provide the Inuit with meat lost by his taking some of the best hunters north with him, Peary prepared to sail. He put the Bos’n, John Murphy in charge of Cook’s box house at Annoatok, to live there and guard the supplies Cook had brought against pilfering by the natives. To keep him company and keep the log, as Murphy was perfectly illiterate, he assigned Billy Pritchard, the Roosevelt’s cabin boy to stay with him. Peary wrote out a set of detailed instructions for Pritchard to read to Murphy to remind him of how he was to spend his time.

The instructions he left are long and tedious, so no transcription is provided here. Ross Marvin’s handwritten copy of the instructions, signed by Peary, is generally legible, so the interested reader can read them from the original, dated at Etah, August 17, 1908, which is reproduced below and is now at NARA II.August 17 instructions 1

Instructions 2Instructions 3Instructions 4Instructions 5Instructions 6

Although he declared in the opening paragraph that he was leaving the men “in charge of the station here for the relief of Dr. Cook,” Peary wrote to his wife what his true intentions actually were:

August 17 Peary to Peary

I have Sammy1 on board to
prevent Cook from taking him back.

The Cook circumstances have given
me a good deal of extra work &
trouble; but have worked out satis-

I have landed supplies here, &
leave two men ostensibly in behalf
of Cook. As a matter of fact I
have established here the sub-base
which last time I established at Vic-
toria Head, as a precaution against
in event of loss of the R– either
going up this fall or coming down
next Summer.

In some respects this is an advan-
tage as on leaving here there is nothing to delay me or keep me from taking either side of the Channel going up.

The conditions give me entire control of the situation.

Most of Peary’s dictated instructions are concerned with bartering away Cook’s supplies for fox and other valuable pelts.

Peary had planned to head north that day, but rain, snow and fog prevented him sailing. But he was able to do so on August 18th. As with everything else, Dr. Goodsell recorded the departure in his diary:

“Whitney, Norton, Learned and Craft2 came aboard to bid us good bye, and wish us success. The Erik will remain at Etah for a couple of days, completing the unloading of the coal to be left at Etah for the Roosevelt.
The weather was bad during the morning, but in the afternoon the sun came out and the fog disappeared. It was a pleasant afternoon, and the kind of weather we might desire for a start.
At last the farewell given, we are away for Cape Sheridan and our winter quarters.”

And so Peary sailed and would not be heard from by the world at large at all until his message was flashed to the world on September 6, 1909, from Battle Harbour, Labrador: “Stars and Stripes nailed to the North Pole.”

As for Rudolph Franke, he watched as what only could be the skins he and Cook had collected over the winter were loaded aboard the Erik. Franke had signed a receipt given to him by Ross Marvin acknowledging the $50 in gold given him for his expenses in getting back to New York. Later Herbert L. Bridgman, Secretary of the Peary Arctic Club, billed Mrs. Cook for the cost of Franke’s “relief.” This receipt is now in the Peary papers at NARA II.August 17 Franke receipt

1. “Sammy” was Peary’s first illegitimate son, whose Inuit name was Anaukaq. Apparently, Peary feared Cook might attempt to take him back to the United States to embarrass him. To prevent this, Peary took him north on the Roosevelt.

2. These were all paying “guests” aboard the Roosevelt. Each had paid Peary $500 ($12,500 in today’s buying power) for the privilege of accompanying him to Greenland. All returned with the Erik except for Harry Whitney, who spent the winter at Dr. Cook’s box house at Annoatok and witnessed his return there in April of 1909.


Inside the Peary Expedition: Part 11: August 14-15: The Erik prepares to sail

April 21, 2021

As usual, Dr. Goodsell’s copious diary recorded the latest news on August 14, 1908:

“Rudolph Franke will return on the Erik. Franke is practically disabled. He slipped and injured his left leg some two or three months ago. His disability prevented him from properly caring for himself. He was unable to obtain fresh meat in sufficient quantity and brought on an attack of the scurvy, which particularly affected his injured limb.

“When I first saw him the limb was discolored and badly swollen. He is slowly improving under treatment. Com. Peary has assigned him a berth on the Erik, and provided for his personal use a supply of grape juice and fruit. Franke was unwilling to stay at Etah on account of his disability.

“In my judgment he was disabled to such an extent that it would have been unwise for him to have remained another winter. The Eskimo had helped themselves to portions of his stores. His sugar and milk were gone. His condition would have prevented him from providing sufficient fresh meat and other essentials for another winter.

“Com. Peary will be short two of his men who will be left at Etah with sufficient stores to remain the year if necessary and receive Dr. Cook on his return, probably this fall or winter when the ice has frozen sufficiently to cross Smith Sound.

“The disability of Franke compelling his return would leave Dr. Cook’s supplies to be squandered by the Eskimo if not protected by the men from the Roosevelt.”

As the Erik prepared to sail, Ross Marvin penned a final letter to Louis Bement:August 15 1August 15 2

8-15 1908
Etah, North Greenland

Dear Mr. Bement: -
Here we are still at Etah
and it is Saturday Night. We finished
transferring coal & cargo this evening
& expect to get out Monday. it is
midnight and I have still some work
to do but I feel that I must drop
you a few lines of importance for
fear I may not get another chance.
It is just like this Lou, the
Dr. Cook affair has become a tangle
and a hard nut to crack. I am writing
Peary’s confidential letters concerning
the matter & so my lips must be
closed. So you see how I stand. I know
more about it than anyone else but
I can say less. The others can write
what they know, with me it would
be a breach of trust.
I Imagine the affair
will create newspaper talk when the
Erik returns so I wan to keep out
of it. Whatever I have told you and
what little more I may add is between
you and me. I hope you will understand
the position I am in, I would like to tell
you all but I owe a duty to Com. Peary.
Dr. Cook’s man is returning by
the Erik, and we are leaving two men
here to take his place. That robs us
of our Bos’n, a valuable man at all
times. It is hard to tell where Dr. Cook
is but I honestly believe he is alive and
somewhere north of here on the other side
of the channel (The Grand Land side) He
will have a hard time I am afraid if
we do not run across him, which
we are very apt to do.

[sincerely yours
Ross G. Marvin]


Inside the Peary Expedition, Part 10: August 13, 1908: Rudolph Franke decides to go home

March 6, 2021

This following letter was addressed to Peary by Rudolph Franke. Franke later said that he wrote the letter under duress, that Peary made it the condition of his return that he turn over to him all of Dr. Cook’s stores at Annoatok, as well as the blue fox furs and narwhal horns he and Cook had collected since their arrival in 1907. Franke said that Peary told him that he was short of furs and needed them to outfit his expedition, and that none would be sent back to the United States. Later, however, Franke saw bundles of furs being loaded aboard the Erik. He knew Peary could not possibly have collected that many furs in the short time since his arrival in Greenland, and was certain they were the same ones that had belonged to Dr. Cook.

The letter is in the hand of Ross Marvin, not Franke. It is evidently a copy of Franke’s original, which is not among Peary’s papers. Whether the mistakes it contains in spelling and form are Franke’s or Marvin’s is unknown, because Marvin’s own letters to Louis Bement are prone to such errors as appear here.

August 13 Franke Letter 1

Etha, August 13th 1908 No. 3 I

Mr. Peary, Esq.
Now is the question before me to do
what is right for the future and after thoughtful
consideration I have resolved to do the following
1. I leave you all the stuff, laying at
Etha and Anoatook to take care of them
because I cant do it. I am in crippled condition
from my boat-trip to Oominui and back,
your judgement and experience will know
to make the best use of them.
2. The enclosed letter authorized you
concerning the 5 boxes, 1 bundle Narwahl
horns and one trunk of furs and one compass,
what to do with them. They are laying on
Arwagluarwi Pt. This is all Dr Cook’s property
except one horn, the heaviest top broken off.
This belongs to me and I beg you to take that
from me, as a present, received for your

August 13 Franke Letter

your kindness and hospitality. I
thank herewith for the care you, Mr.
Bartlett, Marvin & Dr. Goodsell they
gave me, they were very kind to me.
3. My self respect orders me now, not to
go home, but to stay and wait for Dr Cook’s
return. After thoughtfull consideration
I found it would be unwise and foolish to
stand in Anoatook a second winter. I
resolved to go home with the vessel “Erik,”
which you kindly placed to my disposal.
To justify my step for you and others I tell you
the following points.
1. If Dr. C. is going south the Wast Coast of
Greenland he will find assistance there. I
suppose there is now an Danish Expedition
and furthermore plenty provisions at
Shannon and Pendulum Island.
2. If Dr. C. comes back by way the west Coast
of Greenland, he will find assistance at
Anoatook, I cant stand there, because

August 13 3 Rudolph Franke

because there are just for one not for
two provisions, the right kind, and it
would be for both dangerous. The provisions
are now shorter than I leave Anoatook
for my boar-trip to Oominui, in the
meantime the Esquimaux break in the house
and committed burglaries. How much it is,
I cant tell, I cant go up in my condition,
but I hope your Captain Mr. Bartlett will
make a statement by his voyage up the
sound for gathering information about
the ice.
3. If Dr. C. comes back to East Coast of
Ellemereland he will meet you.
4 If Dr. C. goes south the West coast of Ellesmere
Land, he got there provisions at Cape Thomas
Hubbard and on (near) Cape Lockwood coals.
5. By returning way over Alaska he will fall
in with the whalers, wintering at Marshall
4 I must go home, Dr Cooks orders me that, why
I don’t know. I dont know who will pay me off Mr
Bradley New York or Dr. C. I have now written

August 13 4 Rudolph Franke

written agreement. It is also the
highest time, that my old mother,
where I am and to take care of her what
is one of my first duty.
Now you see, Mr. Peary, that I justified myself in
every line and I beg you to take in care all the
property of Dr. C. After advise of your surgeon
I should take care of myself and it would be
foolish to stand a second winter. Please lend
me your helping hand furthermore, I will be
very thankfull In another paper you will find
a statement a statement of the provisions and
supplies and in leaving them I give you full
power to use them. Excuse my bad english
I am foreigner. I remain, Sir,
Respectfully yours,
Rudolph Franke.

Lists of the supplies turned over by Franke is also in Peary’s papers.  These lists are also in Ross Marvin’s hand:

Supplies 1 Rudolph Franke

Supplies 2 Rudolph Franke

The letter and the lists are in the Peary Papers at NARA II.


Inside the Peary Expedition, Part 9: August 10, 1908: Rudolph Franke returns

February 8, 2021

On August 10, Dr. Goodsell wrote in his diary:

“The Captain, McMillen, Borup and boat crew have returned from Littleton Island. They secured four Walrus and nearly one hundred birds. The Captain reported from the summit of the island the pack ice to the northward was nearly continuous. He started out again to be gone a couple of days for a more extended observation of the ice pack. Foggy conditions prevailing, he returned shortly, bringing Dr. Cook’s assistant, Rudolph Franke. Franke desired transportation southward and attention from myself for an injured leg considerably swollen and partly disabling him for a couple of months.

“. . . The Captain reported that from the summit of the Island the pack ice to the northward was nearly continuous. He started out again to be gone a couple of days for a more extended observation of the ice pack. Foggy conditions prevailing he returned shortly bringing Dr. Cook’s assistant Rudolph Franke. Franke desired transportation southward and attention from myself for an injured leg considerably swollen and partly disabling him for a couple of months.

“He reports that Dr. Cook left Cape Inglefield on February 26th striking across Smiths Sound for cape Sabine and then to Koldeway Bay on Bache Peninsula. Dr. Cook’s party left Koldewey Bay March 3rd westward for Nanson Strait where they found Musk-Ox in more than sufficient numbers. At this point Franke and a portion of the Eskimo (3) returned to Cape Inglefield. Two months later some more (6) of the Eskimo returned leaving two with Dr. Cook. A letter brought with the returning Eskimo May 7th said that D. Cook was at Cape Thomas Hubbard on March 17th, but fourteen days after leaving Koldewey Bay. Dr. Cook started on his expedition with about 100 dogs. Eleven Eskimo and the assistant, Rudolph Franke. Left a cache of provisions at Cape Thomas Hubbard and Etah. He intend to try for the Pole and join Danish expedition on the east coast o Greenland, or return southward towards Ellesmere Land.

“A letter from Dr. Cook was received on May 7th by Rudolph Franke who was awaiting at Anoratok, Cape Inglefield, where the expedition started from. The letter said they had killed one hundred Musk-oxen, two hundred hare, and six or eight Bear.”

Ross Marvin informed Louis Bement of the latest developments the next day:August 11 1

August 11 2

8 – 11 1908
Etah, North Greenland.

Dear Mr. Bement: -
Just a few more lines to close
this letter and put it in my bundle to be mailed
in Sydney, before the Erik arrives. What chance
I get to write a little after the Com. gets here
I shall keep the letter open until the last day
and send it by way of St. John’s Newfoundland.
My last message will probably be a post card,
The Erik is already in sight and will
probably be here in less than an hour. The Dr.
Cook affair grows more complicated every day.
His man Rudolph Frankie arrived here yesterday in
a boat from North Star Bay. He is real anxious to leave
here & wants to go home on the Erik. He has not heard
from Dr. Cook since March 17th at Cape Thomas
Hubbard, the Commander’s most western point.
He has a sore leg which our doctor has
begun treating and which the Dr. says needs
rest for some time. He is in no condition
either physically or more especially
mentally to spend another winter
here. Perhaps you may think I ought
to tell you more about the Dr. Cook
affair but as things seem to be so
mixed up here I hesitate about saying
much of anything about it. And as
far as actual news goes there is not
much to be said. Dr. Cook is not
back and no one her knows where
he is. He left Cape Thomas Hubbard
with two native boys and two sledges
that means that he cannot get
very far nor be in very good condition
at present.
We are here at Etah nearly a
week ahead of last trip but we shall
probably not leave here any earlier than
we did last year as the ice is still
heavy north of us. I dont see any chance
as yet to send back any souvenirs on
the Erik this year. I would like to send
something to Cornell. Must close for
the present,
Ross G. Marvin

Dr. Goodsell was asked to examine Franke. Afterwards, he wrote his official report to Peary:

August 12 Goodsell Letter

Aug 12 1908
Commander R.E. Peary. U.S. N.

Dear Sir:
Rudolph Franke requested
professional treatment when
brought aboard the Roosevelt. He
reports having slipped on the ice
the latter part of May, 1908, injuring
his left leg.
On examination the limb is badly
swollen, purple in spots, involving the
thigh, in a less degree. Franke is practically
disabled from the injury and
complicating scurvy.

Respectfully yours
J. W Goodsell Dr. &
“Peary Arctic Club Expedition”

A typed copy of Goodsell’s diary and his official report are at NARA II.
